Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Here are some links to get you started.

Some information from Wikipedia.

Here is the Emily Rodda website.

Here is a link to the scholastic website.


Welcome to your blog!

Dear Year Four,

This blog has been set up especially for you to chat with each other about the book Rohan of Rin by Emily Rodda.

Before we begin let's remember the rules about chatting online.

1. First names only please and no personal details.

2. Respect. That includes to yourselves and each other. Everything you post will be seen. Share your opinions in a respectful way. I will be reading this so expect consequences at school if you choose to work outside the rules.

3. This blog is only to chat about the book Rohan of Rin and not other things that may be happening at school or in your own lives.

5. Have fun!!